Monthly Archives: January 2014

Arabian Sea

Position updates have been a bit sporadic due to the ship being away from any land based monitoring stations but got a ping this morning that shows it in the Arabian Sea, presumably heading towards Southern India/Sri Lanka.


The ship is just passing to the south of Crete and looks to be on schedule to enter the Suez canal sometime tomorrow.


Been watching the tracking for the ship, it’s at in the channel at the moment, waiting to head into Southampton. Rather them than me in the current storms we’re having ! It seems the container will be loaded on the ship in Southampton as we’ve now got the location for the container as well as the ship.

While searching for some info on the container ship (APL Qingdao) we happened on a YouTube clip showing the ship leaving Southampton with our container on board…

Hamburg err

Have had confirmation this morning of the ship and container details for the 90. The ship is currently in Hamburg and is due into Botany Bay a week before we arrive.