Parkes to Young

Parkes Radio TelescopeAs planned we took a trip to Parkes this morning to take a look at “The Dish”. It’s an impressive piece of engineering and interesting to see the large number of current “cutting edge” projects that it is still taking a leading role in. The fact versus fiction display from the film was a bit of a relief as most of the important parts of the film were true. Even the decision to continue to operate the dish despite the wind speeds exceeding it’s designed specification. If you have no idea what I’m rambling on about – go find and watch the film “The Dish” 🙂

Following our visit to Parkes we had a choice of direction – head further North to see some friends at Trangie or head back South again in the hope that the weather was on the up now. in the end we decided that we’d try the South again.

As a stopping off point so that we weren’t driving too far in the day we chose a site at Young, nice and close to shops so we can stock up on food again. We also refuelled for the first time in a few days and we’ve been averaging 27mpg which isn’t too bad and is within our budgeted figures.

Tomorrow we’re continuing our journey South again and hoping to find somewhere a bit more remote to set up camp.